young's modulus experiment
Today's classroom version of the same experiment is typically performed using a laser beam as the source. Your laboratory report sample doesn’t need to be perfect. The formula of young’s modulus is stress by strain. Alternative metal wires can be used of course. The present article thus emphasizes some experimental features of a classroom experiment that may assembled in a few minutes. Use the Escape key on a keyboard (or comparable method) to exit from full-screen mode. Weight hanger weight: 0 kg 0 4. Measure the gradient of the straight portion of the graph and use this to calculate the Young modulus for the copper. Figure 3. It is not a problem to try to find samples of lab reports readily available online on the Web. 2. Then the graph can be analysed to determine E. Some of these are Bulk modulus and Shear modulus etc. Young's Modulus Experiment ENGR45 – Materials Science Laboratory Chad Philip Johnson Submitted: March 14th 2013. It is a … Young's modulus (E or Y) is a measure of a solid's stiffness or resistance to elastic deformation under load. AppliedStatics (eme1016) Uploaded by. Then you’re ready to write. Magazines. Upload. Use the Escape key on a keyboard (or comparable method) to exit from full-screen mode. You must think about using the lab report as a teaching tool for students to understand and interpret the research study they have actually been included in. Is the sample uniform? Experimental Determination Of Young's Modulus. Cite this Simulator: Developed by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham & CDAC Mumbai. Feedback. It is denoted by Y. Result Precautions. To gain knowledge in use of the instrumentation to conduct the above investigation. Young's modulus, denoted by the symbol 'Y' is defined or expressed as the ratio of tensile or compressive stress (σ) to the longitudinal strain (ε). The steel frame of an earthquake-resistant building has to be able to flex, but not too much . Snapshots. You should not include the time, date and location of the laboratory’s closure. Describe a good technique for measuring the diameter. Episode 228-6: Measure for measure (Word, 82 KB), An alternative approach to measuring the Young modulus is to bend a cantilever. Describe a good technique for measuring the diameter. The reference wire and test wire made of the selected material are hung from the ceiling. Rigid bodies do not bend, stretch or squeeze when forces act on them. Make sure that you have sufficient information about the topic in your lab report sample. The hardness and elasticity of the material are profoundly affected. Research a value for the Young modulus of copper and comment on your result. (Potential engineering students will benefit greatly from this.). View Answer . Note that values are often given in GPa (1 × 109 Pa). It’s pretty important for materials scientists, too, so in this article I’m going to explain what elasticity means, how to calculate Young’s modulus, and why stiffness is so important. Con: need to convert angular measure to linear measure, more tricky to setup? Learn more about Scribd Membership. helpful 120 13. Young’s modulus, numerical constant, named for the 18th-century English physician and physicist Thomas Young, that describes the elastic properties of a solid undergoing tension or compression in only one direction, as in the case of a metal rod that after being stretched or compressed lengthwise returns to its original length. Being able to find and understand Young’s Modulus is important to us because engineers reference these values to determine if a material will have elasticity to support the design it is in. All real materials are Elastic and deform to some extent. You likewise need to include the variety of samples that were used and the number of times that they were used. Young’s Modulus is the ratio of stress to strain. 4 mins read. These changes increase with repeated drawings. There are many examples online that might be extremely valuable. Lots of teachers, students, and trainers choose to have an outline (the first page), a conclusion (the last page), and a summary (one or 2 pages after the conclusion). EXPERIMENT 1:Determination of Young’s modulus (η)of a given spring Debangshu Mukherjee BS.c Physics,1st year Chennai Mathematical Institute 12.09.2008 1 Aim of experiment We are going to determine the Young’s modulus of the material of a spring by recording its time period of oscillation when loaded by a certain weight. Look at the definition: we need to measure load (easy), cross-sectional area A , original length x0 (so make it reasonably long), and extension Δ x . JO. Extension – won’t it be quite small? This is a well-known experiment to measure Young’s modulus of elasticity of wires. Method 5. There is a second hot-spot in the lower-right corner of the iFrame. The writeup of this experiment is given in a pdf document . For writing a good laboratory report sample, you can utilize the template of an outstanding laboratory report as your guide. Video. To determine Young’s modulus of elasticity of the material of a given wire. Select environment: Select wire material: Wire radius: 0.1 mm 0.1 0.5 Wire length: 0.5 m 0.5 1. its structure is changed internally. Student experiment: Measuring the Young modulus You can make measuring the Young modulus E a more interesting lab exercise than one which simply follows a recipe. The experimentally determined value for Young’s Modulus is compared to the theoretical values of Young’s Modulus for different types of wires and therefore the material of the wire is concluded from that. Aim The basic concept behind Young's modulus was described by Swiss scientist and engineer Leonhard Euler in 1727. Young’s modulus, used as a numerical constant. The initial longitudinal Young modulus E 1 0 is determined directly using a tensile test on the fabric as shown in Fig. But the value of Young’s Modulus is mostly used. Cyberphysics – Young’s Modulus – Lab Report Young Modulus Matriculation. Stress is defined as the force per unit area; strain is the ratio of length of deflection over its initia l length. Note that in the set up above, the sample is at an angle to the ruler – a source of systematic error. Nvis 6040 Young`s Modulus Setup is a complete system used to determine Young`s Modulus of Elasticity of materials. Note the definitions, symbols and units used: Strains can be quoted in several ways: as a %, or decimal. 14-16. Theory: Young’s modulus means the ratio of longitudinal stress and longitudinal strain within elastic limit. (Scholz et al., 2008). in the class. The Young Modulus is named after Thomas Young (1773 to 1829) who was a British polymath, contributing to our understanding of optics, physiology, and Egyptology, among other fields. SAVE; FULLSCREEN; EXIT; 0.5 m. Spirit level. Ask students to identify the quantities to be measured, how they might be measured, and so on. All it takes is a little modifying and some easy rearranging to turn it into the best report. A lab report is generally utilized for communicating the findings of lab studies. Feedback. ⇒ This is called the Young Modulus, E, of the material ⇒ Young modulus is measured in Pa (or Nm-2) ⇒ This graph shows a stress-strain graph for copper. I’ve made a video of the experiment here The device is simple in that it allows a test wire to be anchored in two places within a metal chasis that sits approximately 1.5 meters off the ground. Young’s Modulus and Poisson’s Ratio Solid Mechanics Lab #2 Hyungjun Kang 00939822 9/9/2014 Purpose: 1. This likewise includes the laboratory’s identity and address, along with the date of its closure. 763.98 €-+ add to cart. Demonstration: By stretching confectionery laces, students learn that extension is not always proportional to load. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Episode 228-3: Materials database (Word, 115 KB). 56 Resources. The same value can be used to get a single average value of Young’s modulus Y. “), then the responses to these questions might determine your grade point. This is the last page of any laboratory report. Spherometer. Young's modulus is given by the gradient of the line in a stress-strain plot. There are a few things that ought to be born in mind when composing a laboratory report. Simulator. For samples too stiff to extend easily (e.g. (However, it is very important not to write anything too specific, such as a precise figure or equation.) Search Search. Different groups could try the different ideas they come up with. YOU WILL NEED: A Young Modulus apparatus, copper wire (SWG 28 or thinner), a suitable fixing beam for the wires, two sets of slotted masses (each set 0 – 1 kg), a micrometer. It looks like the force-extension graph shown earlier, but this graph will be valid for ANY sample of copper ⇒ O-P on the graph represents the range of tensile stree for which the copper obeys Hooke's law. Animation. Abstract In this experiment the moduli of elasticity were measured for four different "off the shelf" materials: 20 gauge copper wire, 22 gauge copper wire, 30 pound fishing line and 20 gauge brass wire. How do I use my lab report sample? To understand how Searle’s apparatus is used to determine Young’s modulus of elasticity of the material of a given wire, read the below experiment. Resources. There are two components to the assessment of practical work: Questions in the... For 16-19 2. Laboratory reports are used to explain the research study results. For instance, on a lab report sample, a question like “What is your GPA for this experiment?”. One is to write a concise and exact variation. Our Objective. You can make measuring the Young modulus E a more interesting lab exercise than one which simply follows a recipe. Questions involving stress, strain and the Young modulus, including data-handling. Give different groups different materials, cut to different sizes, for example: metal wires (copper, manganin, constantan etc), nylon (fishing line), human hair (attach in a loop using Sellotape), rubber. Young's modulus is given by the gradient of the line in a stress-strain plot. The aim of this experiment is to determine the Young modulus for a copper wire. It consists of two equal length wires that are attached to a rigid support. English. Young’s Modulus. length and surface area). When a metal wire is stretched beyond its elastic limit then its cross section is reduced i.e. Upload. Should the sample be arranged vertically or horizontally? Finally, ensure that you check the scientific precision prior to publishing or submitting the paper for publication. Aim of this experiment is to find the Young's modulus of the given material by uniform bending using pin and microscope method. The wire suggested will have a … 2015/2016. Explain why a long wire is most suitable for this experiment. 16.20.As experimental data are given in terms of yarn stiffness, the Young modulus has to be updated during the simulation in order to ensure a constant stiffness of the yarn even when its cross-sectional area changes, using the simple relation: Episode 228-7: Calculations on stress, strain and the Young modulus (Word, 59 KB), Episode 228-8: Stress, strain and the Young modulus (Word, 26 KB). age experimental Young’s modulus of the single crystal-line cementite sheet along the [1 0 0] direction is. These are frequently used to check the trainee’s understanding of the material. Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker. In 1782, Italian scientist Giordano Riccati performed experiments leading to modern calculations of the modulus. Background information (what is Young’s Modulus, how do we use a stress strain curve to determine it, etc) 3. INTRODUCTION: Young’s modulus is also known as tensile modulus. A measure of stiffness that is independent of the particular sample of a substance is the Young modulus E. Recall other examples you have already met of sample independent properties that only depend upon the substance itself: We need to correct k for sample shape and size (i.e. Episode 228-4: Measuring the stiffness of a material (Word, 59 KB), Episode 228-5: Stress–strain graph for mild steel (Word, 68 KB). The Young's Double Slit Experiment Interactive is shown in the iFrame below. Composing a good science lab sample is important if you wish to make your research study and your report fascinating and helpful to readers. What are the types of concerns on the lab report sample? If the weight of the cantilever itself is mg, and the added load is Mg and L is the length of the cantilever (the distance from where the cantilever is supported to where the load is applied): Finish with a short plenary session to compare the pros and cons of the different experimental approaches. It quantifies the relationship between tensile stress (force per unit area) and axial strain (proportional deformation) in the linear elastic region of a material and is determined using the formula: Young’s modulus Experiment Young’s modulus Experiment. It consists of two metal frames. It is a measure of the stiffness of a material that is independent of the particular sample of a substance. Measure the gradient of the straight portion of the graph and use this to calculate the Young modulus for the copper. The experimental wire is loaded with a measured weight to create an elongation in it. An elastic modulus of = E 400 GPa d is also within the range of reported values for cementite particles [29, 30]. Ask students to identify the quantities to be measured, how they might be measured, and so on. But the rigid body is an idealization. Students should wear eye protection, provide safe landing for the load should sample break, e.g. It is a … In solid mechanics, Young’s modulus is defines as the ratio of the longitudinal stress over longitudinal strain, in the range of elasticity the Hook’s law holds (stress is directly proportional to strain). Purpose This experiment is designed to determine Young’s modulus for a wire when it is stretched. The Young's modulus is the property less dependent of the characteristics of the coatings (microstructure and morphology), but is strongly dependent of the chemical composition. Young’s modulus is named after Thomas Young, a British scientist of the 19th century. Practical Activity Method For the procedure, see lab manual (PC142 Lab Manual, Winter 2017). Books. The Institute is a charity registered in England and Wales (no. If your teacher is asking you to compose a lab report, it’s an excellent concept to check out over this page, too. Read free for days Sign In; Much more than documents. 293851) and Scotland (no. To investigate the effect and relationships of tensile and lateral strain on a specimen. Always make certain that the info you provide to the readers is detailed and exact. E.g. It measures pressure and is typically computed in terms of pascals (Pa). Procedure. The data collected in the video can be used to complete a table and graph. Young Modulus - Physics A-level Required Practical - YouTube It is important to consist of all these information in order to offer readers a better understanding about the experiment. (60 N will stretch the sample 1 m.) What would happen in practice if you did stretch a sample by 1 m? YOU WILL NEED: A Young Modulus apparatus, copper wire (SWG 28 or thinner), a suitable fixing beam for the wires, two sets of slotted masses (each set 0 – 1 kg), a micrometer. In the experiment in the video above, we measured the Young’s modulus of some copper wire which does not extend very much. Sheet Music. good and superb. Young’s Modulus. Sign In Join. Animation. Lab Report Sample is often followed by a last paragraph. A few of them are very great and simple to follow, as long as you have the ability to understand their format and content. Close suggestions. It describes the elastic properties of a solid undergoing tension or compression in only one direction. They should be legible and must be provided in a clear and concise manner. Experiment: Determination of Young’s Modulus. Resources. Young’s modulus is the ratio of tensile stress to tensile strain. Show result. Cross-sectional area: introduce the use of micrometer and/or vernier callipers. The Young modulus is often regarded as the quintessential material property, and students can learn to measure it. Questions 1. Episode 228-2: Hooke's law and the Young modulus (Word, 75 KB). Young's Modulus Experiment Lab report for Youngs Modulus Experiment. According to various experimental observations and results, the magnitude of the strain produced in a given material is the same irrespective of the fact whether the stress is tensile or compressive. In your laboratory report sample, you ought to also include references that can be helpful to the reader. Writing a great laboratory report sample is not as tough as it appears, however there are still some things that need to be born in mind. The wire suggested will have a diameter of 0.40 mm or less). Depending upon the time available, it may be worth having some of the ideas already set up. Documents. Young's Modulus Statics Experiment Full Report. A worksheet to enable students to analyse experimental data from the Young’s Modulus experiment. Young's modulus, the Young modulus or the modulus of elasticity in tension, is a mechanical property that measures the tensile stiffness of a solid material. 2. This ScienceStruck post explains how to calculate Young’s modulus, and its relation to temperature changes and Hooke’s Law. The reference wire and test wire made of the selected material are hung from the ceiling. The very first thing that you need to do is to choose what kind of information you require to consist of in your great laboratory report sample. They also... Our new set of videos gives teachers and coaches of physics a preview of the training we offer ahead of this term's live support sessions. 3. Please sign in or register to post comments. The experimentally determined value for Young’s Modulus is compared to the theoretical values of Young’s Modulus for different types of wires and therefore the material of the wire is concluded from that. If at the lower end of wire of length ‘L’ and cross-sectional area of ‘A’ a load of ‘m’ is pressed and if the length increases by l, then; Cite this Simulator: Developed by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham & CDAC Mumbai. For the horizontal set up: bridges over the sample to trap the flying ends, should the sample snap. Method For the procedure, see lab manual (PC142 Lab Manual, Winter 2017). It is helpful if students can learn to find their way around tables of material properties. Would you like to write for us? Y = σ ε. The reference wire supports a vernier scale, which will measure the extension of the test wire. In this part, you’re normally anticipated to compose a conclusion to the report; compose a summary of your findings; and provide a brief description of your findings. Plant Competition Lab Report – Lab reports are used to …, Consumer Lab Fish Oil Report – A lab report is …, Plate And Frame Filtration Process Lab Report, Test For Carbohydrates Lab Report Answers, Standard Proctor Compaction Test Lab Report Scribd, Chemicals In Everyday Life Lab Report Introduction, Analysis Of Vinegar By Titration Lab Report, Factors Affecting Reaction Rates Lab Report. What does this mean? Jeff• 1 year ago. Young’s Modulus or Elastic Modulus or Tensile Modulus, is the measurement of mechanical properties of linear elastic solids like rods, wires, etc. 3. Related documents. Young’s Modulus Experiment – YouTube – Lab Report Young Modulus Matriculation is free lab report sample. Searle’s apparatus consists of two metal frames F1 and F2. Lab Report Essentials is very essential to any trainee who’s working in the lab. Bestsellers. Risk Assessment 6. Our use of materials characterises our history (Stone Age, Iron Age, etc.) a box containing old cloth. Problems? Comments. You can also read some tips on how to compose a great report in the following area. In its fundamental mode, the wire vibrates at 2 2 0 H z. Audiobooks. At the end, you could show the standard version of this experiment (with Vernier scale etc.) There is an alternative experiment to measure Young's modulus. Save Save Young’s modulus Experiment 1 For Later 82% 82% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful 18% 18% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful Table (set up for data collection) wooden or plastic rulers, spaghetti, glass fibres) the deflection y of a cantilever is often quite easy to measure and is directly related to its Young modulus E . The Young's modulus of the thick cuticle layer and its surrounding was set to a value of 625 kPa, as determined previously for these layers by Scholz et al. Ab 4 0 c m wire having a mass of 3. 0 Lab Report Young Modulus Matriculation – A lab report is basically how you describe what you’ve carried out in a lab experiment, what you discovered, and the outcomes. SC040092), No units (because it’s a ratio of two lengths), Discussion: Defining the Young modulus (20 minutes), Student activity: Studying data (20 minutes), Student experiment: Measuring the Young modulus (60 minutes), Student experiment: An alternative approach using a cantilever (30 minutes), Discussion: Comparing experimental approaches (10 minutes), Student questions: Involving the Young modulus (30 minutes), Con: may affect the sample; only moves a small distance, Con: need to convert angular measure to linear measure, introduces friction. Set up (diagram or description) 4. 0 m m 2, find its Young modulus. This experiment makes use of travelingmicroscope to measure elongation of the wire. Theory. Our aim is to determine the Young’s modulus of elasticity of the material of a given wire using Searle’s apparatus. Both the wires (experimental and auxiliary) should be of same length, material and cross-section. It should also be total and useful. EXPERIMENT 1:Determination of Young’s modulus (η)of a given spring Debangshu Mukherjee BS.c Physics,1st year Chennai Mathematical Institute 12.09.2008 1 Aim of experiment We are going to determine the Young’s modulus of the material of a spring by recording its time period of oscillation when loaded by a certain weight. The value of the Young's Modulus is quoted in scientific data manuals for various materials but the value given is only approximate. Introduction : This was our first lab, and the goal was to determine Young’s Modulus of elasticity of a thin wire by stretching. Theory. Viva voce. Procedure. 2. The aim of this experiment is to determine the Young modulus for a copper wire. A lab report sample is basically a beginning, middle, and end. The experimentis explained in this YouTube Video. Lab Report Young Modulus Matriculation – A lab report is basically how you describe what you’ve carried out in a lab experiment, what you discovered, and the outcomes. Original length – what does this correspond to for a particular experimental set up? This includes the standard information about the experiment, such as the name of the experiment, the name of the researcher performing the experiment, the name of the group doing the experiment, the name of the chemical substance that is being evaluated, and the date of the experiment. The reference wire supports a vernier scale, which will measure the extension of the test wire. Here are some of the subjects to search for on the cover of a lab report: Science lab reports are created to communicate the findings of research, in such a way that is clear to readers. Divide the class up into pairs and brainstorm possible methods of measuring the quantities above, including the pros and cons of their methods. Young's modulus estimation gives a quantitative check between experiment and theory. In the experiment in the video above, we measured the Young’s modulus of some copper wire which does not extend very much. Chai Hao. and is calculated using the formula below: The Young’s modulus for a material can be measured using the experiment illustrated in Figure 2. Young's Modulus, Elastic Modulus Or Modulus of Elasticity takes the values for stress and strain to predict the performance of the material in many other scenarios, such as Beam Deflection. Questions 1. If the area of cross section of the wire is 1. 16-19. 12/03/2017 2 VIDEOS ... the experiment are avoided as the test wire and control wire would both expand by the same amount and the scale would adjust position Each frame is suspended from two identical wires, one being an ’experimental wire’ and the other being an ‘auxiliary wire’. An improvement of Searle's method is suggested by B. Sutar and others .The authors suggested application of single-slit diffraction in Searle's apparatus toimprove measurement accuracy of Young's modulus. (a–c) Snapshots of SEM images recorded during the in situ. In your laboratory report sample, you ought to likewise include a chart of the data collected from the experiment, the charts utilized to summarize the data, and the outcomes obtained. Multimedia University. en Change Language. Home. Rather than using a note card to split the single beam into two coherent beams, a carbon-coated glass slide with two closely spaced etched slits is used. and point out how the problems have been minimized. Video. Episode 228-1: The Young modulus (Word, 53 KB). Young’s modulus–the most common type of elastic modulus, seems to be the most important material property for mechanical engineers. It’s a summary of what you have actually done. Young’s Modulus Experiment – YouTube – Lab Report Young Modulus Matriculation. Another thing is to make sure that the language utilized is exact, accurate and suitable. The very first thing you do with a laboratory report sample is decide where you ‘d like it to go. Clicking/tapping the hot spot opens the Interactive in full-screen mode. and new... For 16-19 What are the other pages in lab report sample? Experimental Determination Of Young's Modulus. The outcomes that you will supply must also follow the results that were obtained from the experiment. Theory. Although Young's modulus is named after the 19th-century British scientist Thomas Young, the concept was developed in 1727 by Leonhard Euler. The objective of this experiment is to become familiar with determining and comparing values of Young’s Modulus (elastic modulus in tension). Significant with the title of the experiment, a description of the outcome, and the name and affiliation of the researcher who performed the test, your report ought to also include a summary of what is reported in it. Good experimental practice: measure extension when adding to the load and when unloading, to check for any plastic behaviour. Academic year. Theory. Give your students a table and ask them to find values of the Young modulus. The Young's Double Slit Experiment Interactive is shown in the iFrame below. Description; Documentation; Info; Recommended; Used in following experiment; Measuring apparatus for investigating the elastic deformation of rods of flat geome-try and for determining the modulus of elasticity. Research a value for the Young modulus of copper and comment on your result. Then there are a couple more pages which contain the material you’ll require to complete. Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. We want the wings of an airplane to bend a little. 2. As soon as you have actually figured out where you want the lab report sample to go, the next step is to produce the overview of the product you’re going to fill in. Lab Report Essentials is very essential to any trainee who’s working in the lab. It is a measure of the stiffness of a material; however, in practice, other properties of materials, scientists and engineers are often interested in, such as yield stress, have more influence on the selection of materials for a particular purpose. If sample gets longer, won’t it get thinner? In this experiment I am going to determine the young’s modulus (E) of wood from the period of oscillation of a loaded wooden ruler. There is a small hot spot in the top-left corner. The Theory Before we move ahead, do you know what a Searle’s apparatus is? The Young Modulus can be experimentally determined from the slope of a stress-strain curve created during tensile tests conducted on a sample of the material. Clicking/tapping the hot spot opens the Interactive in full-screen mode. Of course. 3. Searle’s apparatus is used for the measurement of Young’s modulus. Illuminate the pointer etc to produce a magnified shadow of the movement, use a lever system to amplify or diminish the load and provide a pointer. I ’ ve made a video of the Young ’ s modulus is a measure of how difficult it a. Elastic deformation under load slotted masses can be used to complete in figure 2 experiment ENGR45 – materials laboratory. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham & CDAC Mumbai modulus–the most common type of elastic modulus including. Scale, which may be worth having some of the experiment illustrated in figure 2 experiment lab report modulus... Two fixed supports 4 0 method for the load should sample break, e.g two... Submitted: March 14th 2013 of times that they were used c m having! The reference wire and test wire but not too Much have a diameter of 0.40 mm or )... Pages in lab report sample is important if you don ’ t need to convert angular measure linear!, vernier callipers and vernier microscope ) E. 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