I can even copy and paste from word to other documents. ... Can't copy/paste any pictures to word I'm having a problem copying and pasting from my Microsoft works word program into either outlook express or yahoo mail. ... Word won't paste images from web? I can copy and paste within the same word document fine. Copy and paste Sudddenly I can't copy and paste. By Jim Tanous on October 24, 2013 at 4:14 AM @mggjim. Click the File tab. I copy a line of text from any program, say notepad, and when I go to word it is as if the clipboard is empty. Taking classes online Paste Options in Microsoft Office Word 2013 ... the different paste features. In Word 2013, I am trying to paste the contents of my clipboard which contains a formatted table from Excel into a word document. ... No copy-paste between Word 2008 and ChemDraw ... on OS X 10.7.5 can not be pasted back into ChemDraw. Step. Select Options. In the Cut, Copy, and Paste section, choose the appropriate setting from the pasting options. How to Change the Default Paste Setting in Microsoft Word. ... Word 2013 - default paste options don't work. Can't Copy or Paste in Word - posted in Business Applications: I am unable to copy and paste within a Word doc or copy from Word and paste to other applications. ... started experiencing a bizarre problem with Word 2003. I am using Windows 7 Ultimate (x64) and Firefox Version 27.0. Cannot Paste into Word 2013. By: Perry Piekarski. Copy, and Paste. I use Windows 7 and recently purchased Word 2013. Tags: ... 2013 at 18:02:05. Can't copy/paste contents of a Word file. ... 2013. Fedbook wont allow it some how. I am not able to copy and paste from the internet into Word--Text mainly. 1 Microsoft Word 2013: Copy & Paste Tips If you use copy (CNTL P) then paste (CNTL V) Try right mouse click & see the options you have under Paste. Place your cursor in the area where you want to paste the text. How to Copy & Paste in Microsoft Word; How to Copy & Paste in Microsoft Word. Right-click and select "Paste," or press the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl" + "V" to paste the text into the Word document. You are posting a reply to: Microsoft Word Cut-copy-paste-feature not working Can't copy and paste into MS Word. I mainly use it to write my original stories and poems and post them on my online blog or other writers websites. But Word will not accept copy pasted images from the web. Can't copy and paste into MS Word. When working in Microsoft Word, both copying and pasting text and images can save you loads of time and effort. How can I repair my cut and paste option? March 31, 2015. When I Solved Can't paste from other programs into word 2010. I've been using Word all day. Copy and paste short cuts (crtl-c and crtl+v) have stopped working in office 2013. A reader wonders why his copy and paste function in Microsoft Word appears to ... 24 Aug 2013; I can't 0. I learned a long time ago to write on a word doc and to save my work, then I copy paste into the web page. You can paste the same information repeatedly until you cut or copy a ... Can not copy and paste from Firefox to Word. In Word 2013, I am trying to paste the contents of my clipboard which contains a formatted table from Excel into a word document. I can copy and paste between different word document fine. Discussion in 'Software' started by labakes, Dec 9, 2009. But I can't paste from other programs to word. Select Advanced in the left pane. I assume that in IE you are doing a Ctrl+C or right-click-Copy to put the picture into the clipboard. When you cut or copy text and then paste it into your ... you paste text by choosing a different option on the Paste Options menu. ... then you just can not copy them. Chemical Structure Copy and Paste Problems. Free Tutorial: Use Microsoft Word 2016 to add text, delete text, and move text in your documents, as well as cut text, copy text, and paste text. How to Paste Plain Text by Default in Microsoft Word 2013. Solved: I can Copy but can't Paste in Word???